The ‘rdfbadge’ directive
This is responsible for rendering a badge like template holding information about an RDF entity.
The badge holds descriptions for the class/property itself (including score), as well as for the vocabulary where it stems from.
TODO: simplify the interface by only providing a single RDF entity.
'use strict'
app = angular.module 'r2rDesignerApp'
app.directive 'rdfBadge', ($timeout) ->
restrict: 'A'
replace: true
uri: '@'
label: '@'
local: '@'
prefixed: '@'
definition: '@'
vocabUri: '@'
vocabTitle: '@'
vocabDescr: '@'
score: '@'
templateUrl: 'partials/rdfbadge.html'
controller: ($scope) ->
definition =
if $scope.definition and !(_.isEmpty $scope.definition)
<hr />
<span class="nodefinition">No definition available!</span>
<hr />
vocabDescr =
if $scope.vocabDescr? and !(_.isEmpty $scope.vocabDescr)
vocabulary =
if $scope.vocabTitle? and !(_.isEmpty $scope.vocabTitle)
→ <a href="#{$scope.vocabUri}">#{$scope.vocabUri}</a>
</span><br /><br />
<hr />
<sup>2</sup>→ <a href="#{$scope.vocabUri}">#{$scope.vocabUri}</a>
<hr />
$scope.tmpl = """
<h4><sup>1</sup>#{$scope.label or $scope.local}</h4>
<span>→ <a href="#{$scope.uri}">#{$scope.uri}</a></span><br /><br />
<span class="score">score: #{$scope.score}</span>
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
element.bind 'mouseenter', () ->
scope.$emit 'changeSidetip', scope.tmpl